Transportation Improvement Program Project Viewer | Baltimore Metropolitan Council

Commuting Cost Calculator

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  • Average 2019 cost per mile for automobile operation as estimated by the American Automobile Association includes fuel, insurance, depreciation, maintenance. :
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Transportation Improvement Program Project Viewer

TIP: The Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) lists all federally funded projects and regionally significant, non-federally funded projects programmed for implementation in the next four years. It includes approximately $3.2 billion in proposed federal, state and local money for highway, transit, bicycle and pedestrian projects. The TIP helps establish a transportation program that implements the goals of Maximize2040, the Baltimore region’s long-range transportation plan.

Vulnerable Population Index (VPI): The Baltimore Regional Transportation Board uses data from the US Census Bureau to determine the concentrations of seven traditionally underserved populations for the region and for each census tract. These vulnerable populations are: People in poverty, Hispanic/Latino, Non-Hispanic and Non-White Minorities, Limited English Proficiency (LEP), People with disabilities, the elderly, and Car-less households. A tract with a concentration of a sensitive population greater than the concentration of the Baltimore region as a whole is considered to be “vulnerable” for the sensitive population. Use the check boxes on the left to ""turn on"" the entire Vulnerable Population Index (VPI) on the map, or, check one or more boxes to look at concentrations of specific vulnerable populations. The source for this data is the 2010 Census, 2000 Census, and the American Community Survey's 2006-2010 Estimates. All data is shown as 2010 Census Tracts. Margins of error for the American Community Survey and Census 2000 SF3 data are not shown.

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